Awaken to Awareness
From Wednesday June 5th, 2024, to July 17th I will be offering a weekly guided meditation for those wanting to have focus and purpose in their life. If interested send me an email or a text to 404-580-3863. I will then send you a link so you can join the meditation.
Through our guided meditation, we can come to realizations that will empower us throughout the rest of our week. Setting our intention and being present not only to ourselves, but also, to those around us, as well as, to all that is available, will give us the serenity and tranquility we need in these challenging times. As we attain clarity, focus and calmness we will find ourselves expanding and connecting to an inner place of knowing within ourselves. It is then that we can manifest the many goals we are striving to achieve.
The guided meditation time will be approximately 30 minutes. This time includes time for any questions that you may have regarding your experience.
If interested in the Guided Meditation, please email or call me, so I can send you the link.